Saturday, 30 December 2017

GuysNetwork 3rd Newsletter

GuysNetwork 3rd Newsletter: Dec 2017 
Connecting People with Opportunities

The Mission:       A networking platform for those who want to move forward

Our Vision:          To help people achieve dreams that are bigger than them


·         Dedication

1.    Prologue
2.    Email: The Key to Our Digital Presence
3.    Supporting Small Businesses – Ekwubiri Tochukwu
4.    Beyond Commitment, Be Actively Engaged
5.    Member Subscription
6.    Fearing Failure – Abdulganeey Toyyib
7.    GN Events and Conferences
8.    Epilogue


For readers, thinkers, and doers; those who want to move forward

For knowledge hunters and opportunity grabbers

For everyone who believes nothing is impossible

Hold your ideas in your brain

Ruminate it with your hands

Believe it with your lips

Soon enough

Your realities will be those dreams

Someone said were impossible

1.       Prologue
December is always the month when we start making resolutions for what we want to do in the next year. With resolutions, the statement everyone tries to make is “I’m taking on a new character, I’m leaving behind an unproductive life, I’m doing more next year,” and more. All these are great. That’s exactly what everyone at GuysNetwork is trying to achieve in 2018. We are aiming to do more, and be more resourceful in the subsequent years, with 2018 holding the key to the following years. This monthly newsletter is vital to that future we see and the vision we have.
Well, before I wish you a prosperous New Year, permit me to invite you to a new realm. Here comes the 3rd GN Newsletter, released December 2017.

2.      Email: The Key to Our Digital Presence
We now have an online form that everyone is expected to fill for proper registration with GN. With the form, our aim is to gather each person’s email address so we could push notifications and vital documents directly to your email, bypassing the need to contact you via WhatsApp or phone.
However, the turn up hasn’t been encouraging. Without a well-built email network, it will be hard to connect with you remotely which is important to any organisation operating in the 21st century. If you haven’t filled the online form, kindly do that via
Additionally, you can let us know what strategies we can use to garner the email address of every member for easier communication and networking.
Our web platforms will soon be available. They are all in progress as we need to make some payments for web hosting and architecture. Stay tuned.

Have you ever wondered why most people don’t support small and growing businesses? It’s very difficult for a small business to grow without the proper support, especially from friends and family. I started my small design company about a year ago. I started making T-shirts and printing designs on them. It was very difficult at first, and I wanted to give up because the competition was stiff. Then, I got support from my mom and my brother who is also my partner. I’m still designing and sewing street wears for cool people; I’m happy doing it.
With a lot of reading, I’m going to give ten (10) reasons why you should support your friends or whoever close to you doing or involved in a small business.
1.       “Choosing to support an independent business is an act of respect; it’s acknowledging the tremendous risk and challenges inherent to starting your own thing.” - Matt Kliegman (co-founder -- The Smile, The Smile To Go, Black Seed Bagels).
2.      “Most independent businesses are run by people - not by boards, not by stockholders, not by algorithms. And so you get a different kind of care and quality in their product because their work is a reflection of themselves. Instead of focusing on the next market they’re expanding into or the next round of funding they’re raising, they’re focusing on the details and being the best they can be.” - Erica Cerulo and Claire Mazur (co-founders -- Of a Kind).
3.      “Independent business brings originality and variety in a world that’s becoming increasingly homogenized.” -- Craig Costello (Artist and founder, KRINK).
4.      “Supporting young and small businesses brings about close relationship, increasing your willingness to succeed and challenges you in creating uniqueness.”- Ekwubiri Tochukwu  (Creative Director and Founder, Sleek Men Designs).
5.       “Independent businesses create and offer choice.” - Lyndsey Butler (founder, creative director - VEDA).
6.      “Independent businesses are where most interesting concepts and new ideas are generated.” - Sabrina De Sousa (co-founder -- Dimes).
7.       “Independent business is the fabric, man.” - DJ Clark Kent (DJ).
8.      “Small businesses provide the feeling that a real person is behind it all, someone who cares more about giving us a quality product or service, over just taking our hard earned dollars.” - Annie Bukhman (Designer, founder -- Gift Shop Brooklyn).
9.      “Authenticity and hustle - that’s why you should support independent businesses.” - Yu Ming Wu (co-founder -- Sneakernews, Sneaker Con, partner - Stadium Goods).
10.   “They’re authentic, they’re original, and they care.” - Helena Barquet and Fabiana Faria (co-founders - Coming Soon New York).
These reasons could change your orientation about supporting that your friend, classmate, brother, or cousins who are into small businesses. Be the connection that makes that small business a great business.

Creative Director and Founder, Sleek Men Designs (SMD)

4.      Beyond Commitment, Be Actively Engaged
One trait we’ve all shown toward GN is commitment which is quite laudable. Nonetheless, we can always do more. You can always bring in ideas and share important posts with others. You can do more to connect people within the platform with opportunities that you know of.
Secondly, no one has signalled his/her interest in volunteering to fill any of the roles discussed in the previous newsletter. In case you have forgotten, they have been included below, and you can let us know what roles you will fill. Thanks.

·         Hunters: Hunt opportunities that are deemed vital to the various sets of people on the platform. These opportunities include scholarships such as the Gate-Cambridge scholarship; entrepreneurial contests/opportunities such as the TEFund or the Next Titan; coding opportunities such as the Facebook Hackathon; and lots more. Your job is to hunt down opportunities and stay abreast of global information.
·         Bloggers: The focus is to write and publish in your own words, the information gotten by the Hunters. Even when the Hunters seem to be getting little information, go on your way to find good content on motivation, business, finance, et cetera, and publish to the public. English Proficiency is needed.
·         Social Media Publicists: Though you should publicise everywhere, but social media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and WhatsApp – should be the main media of publicity. You are to publicise the blog and the platform itself. You should have good eyes for what can win the public’s eyes. Just publicise GuysNetwork. To do this, we will be having social media pages to support our WhatsApp group. Your job is to run the platforms. English Proficiency is needed.
·         Record Holders: The Record Holders will keep record of the number of members and their details. Also, they will keep record of the subscription fees that have been collected, and the expenses made by GN.
·         Realists: The role of the realists is to think of ideas and ensure those ideas or the best ideas are brought to realisations. The realists will think of the new directions to go. They will focus on where and when the next conference should hold, including how. They will think together with others what is best in each situation.

Each person should fill a role that is coherent with his/her characteristics.
Irrespective of the team you choose, you are still obliged to collaborate with others to write the subsequent newsletters.

5.      Member Subscription
Going by our reinvention from a ‘guys group’ to a networking platform, every member is expected to pay a minimum monthly subscription fee of 500 naira. This is to ensure that we keep GN afloat during events and conferences. It is also needed for the several philanthropy acts we will be engaged in.
Why don’t you pay yours today? With 500 naira every month, we can reach out to thousands of global citizens.
Account Details:
Timileyin Okungbowa

Fearing Failure is the lure that makes an individual lose his potential, his dream, incapacitate his emotional ideas about himself, and strangle his developing ideas. The fear of failure is like the fear of success because success doesn’t come without failure as both of them are like a snail and its shell.
There is no such thing as failure; rather it is just life trying to move us in another direction, therefore, making us fear and doubt our chosen path. Rather than fearing failure, it is better to develop our mental faculties in providing tactical solutions to the fear of directional deviation -- failure.
Failure in our chosen path may occur when there is a wide gap between our emotional, moral, and internal GPS. Thus, disabling us from locating ourselves when lost in ideas. We need to develop a very strong mental map that will help us locate our minds and ideas. We need our minds to be deep in thought like the deepest ocean on earth.
Not everybody who succeeds in life kowtows with failure, but they took it upon themselves as part of the success. They survived a cascade of failure that leads to an everlasting success. Don’t allow the failure to chain you down like a prisoner, rather utilize the failure as a trap towards capturing your awaiting success.
We must not allow the fear of failure in us be expressed so that our big dreams have to be fulfilled, our nascent idea to become performed ideas, and our ultimate goals achieved. 

Abdulganeey Toyyib             

7.      GN Events and Conferences
People are the most valuable asset we have. Consequently, there is a need to engage them and bring them together. Events and conferences will be vital to our growth in the forthcoming years. Here, you will see that the monthly subscription fee is being channelled in a resourceful direction.
To start with, FUTA is the root of GN, and I’ve thought about Tosin’s suggestions during our previous meeting and many others’ ideas. I think we can do a proper Freshers Orientation for new Futarians. I know you have a bunch of ideas in your head. Now is the time to share with everyone. Kindly let us know of your thoughts on what events and conferences we can hold in the subsequent years. Every idea, every perspective is very much welcome. Thank you.

8.      Epilogue
Thank you for reading every word in this newsletter. There’s no better time to communicate with such a valuable friend as you. I wish you a prosperous 2018.

With each dream,
Work twice more.
GuysNetwork 3rd Newsletter: Dec 2017 

Connecting People with Opportunities

Extract From GuysNetwork 3rd Newsletter

For readers, thinkers, and doers; those who want to move forward

For knowledge hunters and opportunity grabbers

For everyone who believes nothing is impossible

Hold your ideas in your brain

Ruminate it with your hands

Believe it with your lips

Soon enough

Your realities will be those dreams

Someone said were impossible

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