Thursday, 26 April 2018

Man's Search For Meaning

For some days or weeks now, I've been really down. Study, work, life, relationships, money, and family have been the reasons I've found myself in this state.
However, I believe my personal life, my life's purpose, trying to find a meaning for my existence, has been the major concern.
I feel it's time to step up. It's time to move in the direction of what I want to do with my short life. I've been involved in several things in my few decades. I've loved and cherished many moments. I have lots of interests. But, not many of these are what I would love to settle with.
Yes, I don't believe one has to do just one thing in life. I believe everyone has multiple interests. You can even develop more interests and cultivate passion in newer stuff.
Yet, I believe one has to do in life, that thing he sees and loves to do that seems somewhat impossible. I'm talking about crazy dreams. If you have a dream or dreams, it means you're interested and passionate about it. If they're big dreams, they'd seem very impossible.
Right now, I'm at that stage I feel I need to go all out and create stuff; doing things I love that seem difficult and impossible.
I've been very calm these past months, doing activities I love but not something I want to build my life upon.
My inner self tells me to start capturing the "who" that I'm made to be.
For this single purpose of finding purpose, I'm embarking on reading a book titled Man's Search For Meaning -- Viktor E Frankl
I'm not sure when I'll be done. The purpose is to read a piece that helps me to find my feet; to find meaning and purpose to my present state.


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